Well this is going to be interesting - it has been so long (nearly 2 years) since I last blogged that I am not even sure I remember some of the technicalities, let alone understand the changes!
So from blogging pretty solidly for a number of years I then dropped off to just a few posts over a couple of years. The main reason was that my life changed dramatically with a relocation from Kalgoorlie to Perth, a new job, physical proximity to more family members & associated with all of this and of most relevance, I got less creative! Less time, less interest & motivation...and then in time other big personal stuff, some fantastic and some terrible.
But I am starting a new chapter in my life and blogging seems to provide me with discipline and structure and amazing connections with like-minded people so it is time for a fresh start. 2014 is going to be a big adjustment year for me in many ways and I am counting on my creative outlets to provide a daily recognition of the abundance that is in my life and my continuing gratitude for each and every day no matter what they bring.
One of my rituals since moving from the edge of the desert (Kalgoorlie) to a coastal location (Perth) is to sit on the beach and watch the sun set on the last day of each year. I reflect on the year and allow myself to anticipate the year ahead. Sometimes the sunsets are amazingly beautiful and sometimes they are just sunsets! This was the sunset at our local beach this year (and there were plenty of people, including the guy in my picture, who were hoping for a more dramatic photo).

And to celebrate and encourage my creativity, journaling and personal development I have enrolled in
Tamara Laporte's Life Book 2014 - an e-course that runs all year. This is apparently the third year that Tamara has run a Life Book course and I suggest you check it out here if you are evenly remotely interested. It is extremely reasonably priced and also includes a lot of other well respected artist teachers from around the world. Personally I feel as if I was meant to do it having come across it just a couple of weeks ago on the amazing
Flora Bowley's blog.
The course started yesterday and we commenced with a warm-up exercise to encourage us to get over any blank page fears (something I thankfully haven't had too many problems with, being a doodler from way-back!). This is my "quick and dirty" warm-up page at the top of this post. "Release" is my word for 2014 - if you aren't familiar with the "word for the year" concept read about it
So I am looking forward to my creative journey this year and blogging will be a big part of it.